Ton mile calculation
Round-trip ton-mile
Mud weight
Measured depth
Drillpipe weight
Drill collar weight
Drill collar length
HWDP weight
HWDP length
BHA weight in air
Length of BHA
Block weight
Average length of one stand
Buoyancy factor
Buoyed weight of drill pipe
Buoyed weight of BHA (drill collar + heavy weight drill pipe + BHA) in mud minus the buoyed weight of the same length of drill pipe
Round-trip ton-mile
ton mile
Drilling or connection ton-miles
Ton-miles for one round trip of last depth before coming out of hole
Ton-miles for one round trip of first depth that drilling is started
Ton-miles for drilling
Ton-miles for coring operation
Ton-miles for one round trip at depth where coring get started
Ton-miles for one round trip at depth where coring operation stopped before coming out of hole
Ton-miles for drilling
Ton-miles for short trip
Ton-miles for one round trip at the deeper depth
Ton-miles for one round trip at the shallower depth
Ton-miles for drilling
Ton-miles for setting casing
Mud weight
Casing weight
Depht of casing set
Travelling block weight
Length of one joint of casing
Buoyancy factor
Ton-Miles for setting casing