When the bit is on the bank and the small junk is in the hole, several choices present themselves. If the hole is mudded up and a fishing magnet is immediately available, go directly back to bottom and try to catch the fish. If not mudded up, or if a magnet is not on location, run a used bit below two junk subs and attempt to bust and wash by the junk. If no hole can be made, mud up and call for a junk basket. When it arrives or mud up is complete, round trip placing the junk basket on bottom. Cut hole equivalent to the length of the junk basket and withdraw from the hole. The junk basket is similar to a core barrel and will retain the fish and core by means of retainer springs. If the fish is recovered, drill ahead. If not, run a used bit and attempt to drill and wash by them. If no hole can be made, mill the junk with a concave mill. The concavity will center the cones or tools and bust them up. The two junk subs should remain in the string until the iron has been accounted for. Especial care should be taken to remove all metal junk from the hole before a diamond or P.D.C. bit is run.
Fishing for Bit Cones, Tong Dies, and Small Tools
2 090